2024 “Goals”?

Been doing a lot of thinking about goals since it’s the new year. i find the “new year new me” sentiment is old and tired.  it also feels like if you don’t accomplish those goals it’s just a target to  get you stuck in a “well guess i failed that”, sort of a mind set.  Trying to keep myself away from those thoughts and not put myself in those kinds of positions this year. 

So far the 1st week of the year has been a pretty good success.  nothing major to report thankfully. 

I have been doing a lot of thinking. mostly late into the evening unfortunately, about life and things.  Had a friend who would have been 39 this week.  She died in 2021 and I think she was the first of my friends who passed. And it made me realize that I had entered the phase of my life where it was possible to start losing friends.

Which made it just all the more clear that I should try to live with more purpose.  More intention.  But what does that mean for me? 

Still trying to figure that out…


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